We all have them – those people who bug us, who we complain about, who frustrate us. People can play massive mind games with us. When we are polite, we call them ‘difficult’; when we aren’t polite we call them much worse. None the less they can hamper us, hinder us and even make us sick when we let them get to us too much. They may be our siblings, our spouses, our co-workers, our bosses or the people at the DMV. How do you deal with these people? Ignore them? Lose sleep? Get a stomach ache? Disown them? Quit your job? Once upon a time, I too had a situation (among many—but this was the one that turned it around for me) – where someone was being very difficult in a project at corporate world work that was creating great issues for the project’s completion. One day I came home frustrated and angry beyond belief. My Divine Guidance Team is always with me and they certainly were that day. I came home mad as a wet cat. (Normally cats don’t like water and a wet cat is an angry full-clawed hissing type creature you don’t want to be near!). I came home and was cussing up a blue streak (yes, I do occasionally do this – it lets off steam!). My Team inquired what was wrong in a rather calm fashion, as they are warranted to do. One particular Team member, Master Yeshua, was the front-runner spokesperson that day. I told him in no uncertain terms what was wrong, throwing my purse to the floor and stomping my feet as a child in a tantrum would do. I finally said to him, “What should I do about this situation?” His answer came unexpectedly. “Bless him,” he said. “What!??!!” I yelled back (it was cool to do so – he’s used to it). “I can’t bless him!!” I yelled and went on for another fifteen minute rant and rave. Finally I let him speak again and again he answered, “Bless him.” At this point I knew for certain I was channeling an Acended Master, for I would never in my current state of mind come up with this incessant, peacefully, spoken answer. I went into another fit of anger, but I was winding down. It only lasted five minutes. “Are you through?” he finally asked as I collapsed into a near-by chair. “Yes,” I said, exhausted. “Then you must dig deep down inside yourself and bless this person,” Master Yeshua stated. “For in doing so you will dissolve the block that is holding you from your solution.” I pondered this for a moment. “Do I have to?” I whined. I can be stubborn when I want to. “Do you wish to solve your issue with this individual?” “Yes,” I said. “Then you must bless him,” came the answer again. And so with this answer at hand, I ponder the Master’s answer. The next day, I had a meeting with the difficult person, along with the rest of the work team. They too were fed up with the situation and were borderline difficult themselves. The situation had been a toll on all of us. As the project manager droned on about timelines and duties, I focused on Mr. Difficult. I looked around the table. And I looked towards the ceiling (heavenwards) and silently, to myself, I said, “Dear Angels, God, Master Yeshua and the rest of the Team, Please let me see this situation with new eyes and an open heart. Let me heal myself and the others. Let the bridge of knowledge between us flow openly. Let understanding flow between all parties and let there be peace among the team. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Then I dug deep into myself (and deep is an understatement) and had to find all that peace, understanding and even love among fellow team mates. I finally found that sweet spot and sent out waves of beautiful white light, love and blessings to all, especially Mr. Difficult. I blessed them all and asked the angels and Team to bless them all, especially Mr. Difficult. Then I sat and waited. I didn’t have to wait long – in less than 20 minutes, if that, the situation began turning around. I expressed myself in the meeting not with frustration, but with renew understanding and sympathy. Especially of Mr. Difficult, who turned out didn’t have a clue of what was being asked of him. We helped him with this process going forward. The dam was broken and the project progress started to flow again after weeks of backup. Mr. Difficult became Mr. Cooperative. The project, while it still had its bumps, preceded and finally finished only one week late. I am convinced it was because I did as Master Yeshua instructed: I blessed the situation and the people involved. I am also convinced that anyone can take this method and use it to their advantage. For I have done so a number of times since then with positive results. The next time you have a difficult situation, stop and dig deep (this may take some doing) and bless the person. Many ask: “What would Jesus do?” when dealing with difficult people. I know the answer: Bless them. Many Blessings, Blake Cahoon The Angelic Path Join us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!
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By Blake Cahoon Did you know that we are programmed to fight against change? How are you dealing with change? Is change always good? There are a lot of things in the world today that are changing. Sometimes we feel there are too many changes; sometimes we think things may have the appearance of change but are really the same and then sometimes nothing feels like it changes. Where are you in all of this mix? How are you embracing change? Probably, like most of us, somewhere in the middle. But did you know that we have a defense mechanism against change? It’s called the ego –and it’s there to protect us against possible harm. The ego puts on the brakes and says, “Now wait a minute, slow down, let’s this think out a bit more before taking further action.” And for many of us, this is a very helpful thing –since some of us rush into things without thinking. Then there are those of us who let this type of thinking stop us dead in our tracks. “Whoa, we say. That little voice is right. I better stay right where I am and not do or go anyplace further.” Don’t we all know people who never seem to change? Who never strays from their comfort zone? Who never goes out and experiences everything life has to offer? They have the appearance of being afraid of change. They may say they aren’t afraid and are quite comfortable where they are. And maybe they are. How are they responding to the world in that state of mind? Are they happy with their life? Do they treat others kindly? If so, great! Let them be who and what they are – that may very well be their current purpose in this lifetime. But if they aren’t…well then, they are letting fear rule their life and may very well be quite miserable. We all know people like this, don’t we? Ego is not the Enemy The ego can be a powerful tool for good or not so good. It’s our reaction to that voice that is the key. You can push pass this voice –it was only designed to slow you down not stop you in your tracks. So listen to it and then analyze your own situation. Weigh your options and your possibilities. Maybe do some actual planning around the change. Examine how you truly feel about the change and deal appropriately with those emotions. Is the change in alignment with your soul’s mission and/or life purpose? Examine what your reluctance truly is about and determine if it’s appropriate for you or a deterrent for you. How are you showing up in the world as a result of your actions or non-actions? We’ll be talking more about ego and how you can better deal with it over our next blog subjects. We’ll even begin to start to talk more about your soul’s mission and your life purpose –which may be two separate things! Lots of discussion ahead! So, let us know how you handle change in your life? Do you often listen to the voice of ego and let it stop you or do you manage to at least sometimes push past the voice and go towards actual achievement? Let us know—we want to know how you deal with this subject! Love and Light Always, Blake Cahoon The Angelic Path www.TheAngelicPath.com Find us on Facebook too! (502)488-1191 Lafayette, Louisiana Fear can eat us alive. Let’s explore! During one of my past relocation moves, upon attempting to transport my cat, the poor dear became terrified of being put into a cat carrier and lashed out in defending herself by biting me hard on my hand. My hand survived, but it was heart breaking to see my cat so frighten. She got over the whole incident within hours and once she was over her fear, life became an adventure again for her, as she explored our new home, inside and out. But my point here is to point out that when backed into a corner and frighten, animals lash out. And so do humans. We are frightful of so many things in our lives –from not having a regular paycheck to not having someone special love us; to losing a loved one to old age, illness, or accident to being homeless; to not having enough food to not being loved by people who should or could love us; to worrying about what our government will do next. We are constantly worrying, fussing, and fuming over the “small stuff” even when we’re told not to sweat over it. And if we’re not worrying about the small stuff, we worry about the big stuff – our nightly TV dramas and reality shows depict how much we worry about life! We worry and we worry because we are afraid. And when we are afraid—we lash out in fear with a variety of behaviors, both dramatic and subtle. The opposite of love is fear, not hate. Hate stems from fear—often the fear of being different from others. We all want to fit in, be liked and loved and to matter and to be accepted. The angels can tell you you’re loved by God until the cows come home—but unless you feel loved, liked, and accepted in your world, you will be search of these feelings until you find them. And you will be afraid until you are validated. You will act out in many ways, from getting sick and dis-eased to arguing, procrastinating, from staying away from others, from making excuses why you can’t do this or that, by escaping into TV, game playing or gossip, or belittling and criticizing others. More extreme behaviors are lying, thieving, larceny, and murder. All of these behaviors and more come from a base feeling of fear. So how do you begin to feel liked, loved, wanted, and accepted? How do you get over your base feeling of fear? By starting to recognize fear-based emotions that you currently hold and behaviors that aren’t getting you where you want to truly be. You have to start looking at yourself objectively and honestly. You have to start by being honest with yourself ---and yes, with others. Your behavior is triggered by your emotions. Your emotions rule your life and cause your life to be the way it is. Don’t like your life the way it is? Change your behaviors, your habits, and your beliefs, which in turn will change your emotions and subsequently your life. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is your life. But by taking baby steps starting today, you can have a better tomorrow. You can stop living in fear and realize that life was meant to be an adventure, full of wonderful experiences that allow you to expand in joyous ways. My cat got over her fear and found new animals to chase and try and catch including chipmunks and squirrels. (Note: she chases; she doesn’t catch). But until she got over her fear, she sat literally in a corner, scared to move. Are you sitting in a corner scared or lashing out in anger and fear or are you enjoying your life? Hopefully it’s a balance. Our journey is never over—that’s truly part of the joy of life—once you look at it from a different perspective. Start looking at your fears and see if you can’t look at the situation that’s holding you back, from a different angle. You may be surprised at what you find! With Light and Love Always, Blake Cahoon and the Divine Guidance Team The Angelic Path TheAngelicPath.com Find us on Facebook and YouTube! Let us help you on your spiritual journey by offering more wisdom from the Divine Guidance Team –shop our webstore today and find books, card readings, digital downloads and more that can help you on your journey. |
AuthorBlake has been writing since she was 8. She is an accomplished writer and author of spiritual books, articles and fiction books. Archives
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